I love Bulgaria

I just have to share this with someone. Anyone. Surely one of the best treatments for depression ever known, this clip is better than Prozac. Stay with it for the full 3 minutes as it just keeps getting better!


Mr Thompson said…
Moving, haunting, thrilling.

Britney meets Jimmy Somerville, meets Enya meets David D'Or meets Jemini.

Thank you.
carlytime said…
Drums, fire, dancing men, dancing men with drums on fire, hallmark Greek 'shake it!' interlude, soloist of undetermined sexuality and vocal range, woman in red dress, traditional throat singing, themes of a underworldly nature. This should be the most sick-makingly contrived piece of Euro-by-numbers ever. After watching it, I'd happily take Gary Glitter and The Twins singing 'Thank Heaven for Little Girls' in Moscow if I could be promised those three precious minutes of Krassimir on the grand stage. Well done that man.

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