The Reason that Carola Doesn't Like the Gays

And Spain continues its Eurovision Mission, doing its bit to bring about another 'big four' bottom four result in 2007. This young man is a genuine contender in the Spanish search for their Eurovision Performer this year. I find it hard to believe there was no Spanish Simon Cowell or Iberian 'Wicked Witch of the Walsh' to stop him getting as far as a studio performance and a public vote. Surely this is a joke? If it's not, fair fucks to him. I would LOVE to have had the balls and necessary lack of any self awarness to have done this. He claims to be a fan of the Haggkvist, but he really seems to have no idea of the Force that he his meddling with. I just hope for all our sakes, (but mainly for his) that Carola NEVER finds out about this. She'll be on the next flight out to Madrid with a gun or a pot plant. Failing that she'll take her spell book, sorry, Bible and will carry out a 'Dehomofication' ceremony on poor Diego. Complete with the traditional laying on of hands and chants of "Homo be gone!". Praise Him! Extraordinary.


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