Good News Items
It seems that Camp Euromoments (how very dare you!) is divided on the outcome of the Irish selection. I for one am quite delighted with the song choice and I think that Ryan Dolan will put on a good performance in Malmo. Actually, in stark contrast to Mr Thompson's reservations about qualifying, I think this is a potential winner. Honestly. And the fact that he managed to sing it well in the Late Late studio's anywhere-but-here acoustic was a victory in itself. I also love Strabane. If I can be so bold, dear Momentee (I'm sure there's at least one of you), I will share with you that it's not been an easy day for me as I am struggling with one of 'life's big decisions'. Be assured that there are no Mrs or Mini Carlytimes on the horizon. However, as I returned to my Happy Place - glued to the glow of my computer monitor - this evening, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It seemed that nothing would lift it. And then, the hand of fate l...