...Feeling 52, acting seventeen. Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid. Well, at least a little anxious anyway. In my last post I stated that by taking on Carola, Diego (competitor in Spanish Eurovision selection process ‘Misíon Eurovisíon’) clearly did not know what he was messing with. This was the last thing that I did before being struck down by a mysterious illness. It appears that it is I who did not know The Force that I was dealing with. As soon as I had clicked the ‘post’ button, Our Carola who art in Sweden, got to work with some sort of me-shaped voodoo diarrhoea doll. On reflection, I’m not quite sure how that would work. But it did. I have only just recovered. Every word is watched (and this is a blog that seems impossible to find by google or any other means). If this were not evidence enough, She is dusting off her bible as we speak and IS on the next flight out to Madrid. It is not long announced that The Haggkvist is to perform the song of her second coming (“Fångad av en Stormvin...